Thursday, April 30, 2009

Fazeera Npcc :D
muke satu-satu tk perlu ;

who am i looking at ??

Hello people ! Soooooooooooooo long tk update ,
hahaah , ok so today our first paper which is English paper .
paper 1 & paper 2 Senang !
Quite easy ahh , harap-harap blh pass ! *pray hard !*
many ppl say paper 2 quite hard but to me not so lah .

our exam was held at the hall . Okok ah , Boleh bertentang mate . lols -.-
but it was cooooooooooooooooool '~'
After finish eng paper , meet all the Sialan&Pukian-.-
So dorg plan to go ,
Vivo City ,
Jurong Point ,
Causeway Point .
atlast go Causeway .
So take 963 , dah sampai woodland int , Byebye to them , coz i want to meet kakak pat Town .
then me , take 903 go home .
lastlast tk jadi jumpe kakak pat town -.-
but i dont mind lah . PENAT tau .
so jumpe kakak pat umah & off to Causeway .
dah sampai terus g mkn pat LJS , then jln2 .
Masok kedai Chamelion , beli guls stuff then alik .
tmr not schooling ! ENJOOOOOOOOOOOY AH :))
comform i sleep L-A-T-E-!

See tat picha up there ?! that Me , Syemiera , Rigby & also Fazeera .
Somehow , I miss training ! I miss NCC !
I miss Amalina , Bulan , Nina & the other PartD's senior !
i miss Bulan scolding us . hahahah .
k lah , im tired , Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee .

Monday, April 27, 2009

sec1 picha ; different huh !?
What a dream D:
i was in my dreamland but then , SF wake me up . I was like ... alamak kacau lah . mimpi best2 , mesti nye ade org kacau . haha . & its 7am . bath & off to sch .
About that dream ,
i reall miss That MAN ,
My dream was , i was hugging him tightly . I can say , IMISSHIMALOT !!! *crying*
I wish we were still togerther . Every nite get to kiss&hug him . But dream-on Aisyah !!
Its no longer . Things changed ! What to do rite ! Just bcoz of tat STUPID WOMEN !!!
No more manje-manje , NO MORE !!!!! I really miss him Alot !!!
i wonder why i mimpi him ??!! Why ?! Maybe i miss him or maybe he miss me . idk .
I remember , during maths lesson , he called me .
I was soo happy & what i do was , asking MrKoh to let me go washroom . I went to toilet just to answer his called . hehe . & at tat time i started to cry . I was asking him alot of quesation . & im sure he miss me alot !
Both of us plan to meet up , but then i cnt coz got NCC & Detension .
i wish he called me again ! I really miss him ALOT !!
I wonder how is he .? Good !? NO !? well im not sure .
Im getting rude wif mum . She ask me quesation , & i will answer her rude-ly .
What wrong wif me !? idk ,
But since everthing happen , I changed . i did realise my changed .
okok , till here .tmr sch . byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !

Sunday, April 26, 2009

hello people . This is my second post :D

Just came back .Just now went Bugis with SisterIntan . Just the two of us .
I know MYE is coming sooooooooooooooooon ! Yet im still slacking !! AHHH 8o
I did not buy anything , just teman her jln2 as today shes going home ,sadsad :'(
She buy lots of things , haha . dont remember wat she buy . Benci aku . lols .
I want but cloths but nehhh , saving money ahh . hehe .
then half way , Rain . haha . cooooooooooooool yknow .
But great yknow , coz this few week the weather SUCK aloooooooot !
Walk around Bugis then go makan , went back home . Stopped at Marsiling station , go AuntyTimah house coz it LilAiman Birthday .
Blablabla , send SisterIntan at Jb , and byebye to her :( She gg bach melake .
Right now doing STUPID malay hw !! AHHHH 8o . can anyone HELP me !!? I dont even understand how to do malay hw . Cikgu bbl _____ !

Morning people !
i cnt sleep lah . haha . So today , is AmirulHakimBinfathernames . Wahwah , Benci aku dah 14 seyy .. alamak tapi tkpetkpe .. ingat ahh aku nye lagi 20 MORE DAYS ! haha , lols . So , im sorry coz tkde present & sorry for everthing tat wat i have done to you /hurt you ALOT of times . We figth alot , i remember . sorry ahh :D
Hope you pass all ur exam wif flying colour , get the dream girl tat you love so much !
haha . i think untill her lah .
byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Im B-O-R-E-D ! ! Stay at home doing nothing !
Girlfriends tadi g tengot wayang , Jangan Teguh . haha , i never follow ah .
Ifah tot i dont want to follow coz , i nvr msg her earlier . hahah ,
tkpe tkpe , i dont mind lah :D . kalau aku ikot pon ape gunenye coz cite hantu ! haha .
Sorry to Ifahhhhh coz aku kacau kau bile cite tu dah start . hahah .
So how the story ?? Takut tk ?? Best ??
I read from Rawrbeetah blog , last part , the hantu is funny ? hahah ,
macam2 lah korang ! lols .
So today , Sister Intan not home , she go JB ?? idk .
wth , mak plan nk kelaur pon tk jadi coz
you not at home !
just now fight with Aiman at MSN . untill he block me for how many min ?! haha . sorry ah .
Abe kau mendak , aku layan ah kau . beh mrh . hahah . sorry ah .
haha . But i pity him also . Pity him about something . We facing the same problem ah i think !!?Kite jiwe ah man ! lols .
internet cam sial ah . alamak !
May is coming sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon !! hahah , baik ah !
phmphm je lah . So baby May ,
Aidil 11 more days , Afiqah 13 more days , Fazeera 14 more days , Me 21 more days !!
kk , gtg , byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D

Friday, April 24, 2009

Ahteacar , I own this picha .
Salwa - EleanorRigby ,

again ,

Ifahhhhhhhhhhhhh ,

` Rawrbeeeeetah !

Hellowello ppl ! so how are u ?? fine, sick ?? ahha u decide .
so today first period , english . Got test , about wat , i dont remember .
The test i can say SUSAH ah , + i was not in the mood to study .
i did not read my passage properly . Cnt concenterate ah ,
Then , PE , got our 2.4km . okok ah ! then go ISH .
during recess meet wif MsRoshini,
MT next , suck alot ! still tk phm ape CikguAz ajar ! Whatever lah !
Maths then , got maths test ah . Overall , it easy ah , 50 50 .
then , SCHOOL END !
blablablablabla ,
Me , TwinSayang , Rawrbeetah , Ifahkecoh & Rigby
lepak at MacD . We all were like taking bout something , taking picha , haha .
Ifahh tell Rigby something . hahah . Her re-action was like .........................
hahaha. Rigby was shocked ! haha .
Girlfriends plan tmr want go tengot wayang , westmall/couseway ??
idk , but maybe im not following , fuck lah !
Coz Sister Intan is here .Tmr pon ! Alamak ! Kacau je my plan !
kk , Byeeeeeeeeeeeee , Good Nigth readers !

Thursday, April 23, 2009

them ,

Aisyeek ,




Adeelah , uat ape tu !? lols


Adeelah , aku sungguh PENDEK !



Them :))

Hello People ! hehe . Today sch was okey . Since mak tk keje nari , today she send me to sch ! Today je , esok kene g sendiri ! ALAH ... i lazy lah want to take Bas / Mrt . Suck ALOT !!
i wish mak start keje kol 8am ! So morning she can send me to sch ! LOLS !
so , tmr got maths test , I heard it susah ! ALAMAK ! how !? havent study yet ! Fuck !
esok no NCC coz of MYE ! yahoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ! hahah . Must study hard ! & yeah , today Twinsayang , tk dtg kolah ! Get well soon Aicha !

so tadi after sch , lepak wif , Fazeera , Denna , Adeelah , Ikram , Hasif & Wan !
take alot of picture !
k lah , nk study for tmr ! Comform susah !

maybe all my question that i have been asking for ,
is by listening to one of the song u always sing !
maybe thats the answer !


Wednesday, April 22, 2009




cool huh !?/Denna&Fazeera.

Helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :D
how r u ppl ?? haha .
so today didnt attend sch ! Because angon lambat !
AAhhhhhhhh ! when can i stop this habit !? anyone , help me plzz !
so , no one know[my family] that i never g school . haha . accept abg .
he reach home then he saw me , ask me many things .
Abg : kau tk kolah ?
Me : kolah but adik angon lambat ah .
Abg : then esok kau g kolah , cam ane ..? surat !?
Me: alah .. mampos lah nga cikgu !
Abg : diam ....
Me : actully kan abg , adik banyak kali lah tk g kolah psl ni .
Abg : tu kau pandai2 ah .. kalau cikgu kol mak tanye asl kau tk g kolah .
Me : whatever !
So nasib tak kene marah .
so , i ask him not to tell mom !
so tadi meet `Rawrbeetah . Then off to KFC .
haha . so pat KFC we were talking something ahh ! She tell me something , that only some ppl tawu . So , rawrbeetah felt wanna cry but tk pon . But her face TuRn Red ! She blusing . hahah . Bcoz of me lah , i was asking her something then her face TURN RED ! ahah . & yeah today i saw KAK KYM ! omgomg ! IMISSHERALOT! I was eating then ter-nampak ! hehe . then both of us hug & kiss each other !

then meet others pat kolah . Then kluar kolah lepak then HomeSweetHome !
I think that all lah for today . Nothing much .
exam is around the cornor . MUST STUDY HARD !
I want to thanks IkaCR today ! THANK YOU SO MUCH IKA !

To him : Can we stopped been stranger ??
I miss otp with you . Doing hw together , otp !?
I miss sitting wif you !
Well , i miss the old YOU !

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

happy ye kau !? lols ! hope u get .. u know lah kan !
Ifah - fulltimejoker !

Erin Erina , sayang kau !

Adilah , meyampah aku ! kau tinggi ah ! tkpetkpe !

me wif my payung !!

  • `Kiwekers
    so hello ppl ! heheh . today hmmmmmmmmmmmm, sch was as Pernormal .
    Okeyokey , tadi pagi dah hujan . Alamak ! punye lah leceh ! so yeah g kolah 1whole day kene bawak tat Payung !! ahhhhhh ! but fun jugak ah ade tat payung coz can kacau org . hahaha .
    nari `Rawrbeetah tk dtg kolah:(
    Asl kau sakit !? Boring tau kau tk de . hahahah .
    -Eng today , MsRoshini tk dtg , so Me,Fateen,Fazeera&Denna go cafe .
    so kite bbl merepek while me finish up my maths homework .
    then PE pon MrAidil tk dtg . so cikgu sape tah take over our class & have our PE at ISH :D
    -PE fun jugak ahh . but i kene bully nga Meng . hahah . tkpetkpe !
    Meng was kacau-ing me with ______ ape tah lah tu bende . lupe ahh . i was shouting then Meng shout his name .
    Fazeera : ' kau tengot , die still care kan kau ! '
    Me : diam then smile . hahah :D
    hahah , he care of me bile i kene bully by meng !?
    hahah . lols !
    then ,
    -Recess .
    blablablablablablablablablablablabla .
    -Maths was ok . i understand what MrKoh was teaching . well lucky MrKoh changed my sitting , kalau tk aku rase aku still tk phm ape MrKoh aja .
    -History,Lit&Chemistry hmmm , i can said it was Boring !

    so after sch meet the others , then keluar skolah . Go somewhere .
    Okey now , Aisyeek disini nga post blog . So yeah belom uat maths hw lagi . alah malas lah nk uat . hahahha . Esok ade MT ! FUCK LAH ! malas nk masok kelas ! I still dont understand ape MsAz aja .. hmmmm , whatever lah nga MT .
    kk , gtg . now nga otw nga TwinSayang ! Rigth now die nga happy !
    sukeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Aicha ehk !
    Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D

Sunday, April 19, 2009


hello ! this my first post . just came back from madrasah . okey , so just now otw nk alik i saw ________ . hahha . Hapi sak nampak die ! but lucky he never saw me :))
currently chatting with
IfahhKecoh:D she bored ! ketawe sorang pulak tu ! hahahha , so yeah , i have not done maths hw yet . malas ahh , susah pulak tu .
btw , today is IZZATI PUNYE BIRTHDAY, hope u enjoy ur birthday & belaja rajin2 tau !
kk . gtg . byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~