Saturday, October 31, 2009

Gereeeeeeeeeeeeeek ahh !

So drama nite was gereeeeeeek ! haha , sape tak pegi rugi . After the show ended , took alot of pictures . Most of it at `Rawrbeetah camere (?) Had dinner at Town > Balik mlm ! haha , best ! So short post laah . Lazy wanna post long2 . Enjoy the pictures okey :D & ppl , ENJOY your Holidays ! Gonna miss all my Gfs , Bfs & my Dearest 2n4 :( Takecare .
Hasif :D
Ms Rohsini :(Bee , nice dress ^.^

kesian `Rawrbeetah
Tinggi ahh die -.-
yg lain tengok ane ?
wth(?) WISH
Ladies nite
Waiting for food :D

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