Friday, February 26, 2010

Aisyah is posting right here. hahahaha, she can't post lah so I post for her on her behalf to keep this blog alive. lol.

Sooooooooooooooooo tired right now. AH! Well, my blog is currently out and I don't know whether to keep it aside first or delete it. Hahahahaha.
JYPE said that they had terminated the contract between Jae and knowing tht Jae is not coming back. It really hurts ah, jebal jebal.
Currently, we're waiting for the news tomorrow cause 2pm boys will have a meeting due to this. Few more hours to go.
Alright, I'm tired, hungry, blank and sleepy now. hahahaha
psst psst.
Kecyk,Saranghaeyo. :D

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Pat kampong pon ade connection laah

*wipe half of the dust *
I know its been sooooooooooooo long i didnt post . Cam biase laah , lappy still not settle .
haiyaa , lecehh laah . School was okey laahh . Some of the topic what the teacher teach i still dont get it . History ngan Social.S jangan ckp , langsung tak faham ! Theres Dnt , Malay & Maths hw .
haiyaa , banyak punyee susah . I did bring my maths textbook with me .
Later at nite i do . heeh !
Right now i at Kampong . Haiyaa , aku online , tak ramai org lak online . kecohh ahh .
Im soo mendak man . Right now someone is mad at me !!!! :((((
Just bcoz i lazy wanna get up & see tat someone photo .
ERIN talk to me caaaan !? layan lahh aku . -.-" Kau ni , aku malas lah nk tengok gambar diee . Abe taknak layann aku ! Sedihh . -.- mepek bodoh .
Right now nobody is at home cume me , Erin & small kids :D
Mother all go out , dont k now go where .
Tmr maybe gg Port Dickson ? maybe kot .
maybe i stop here ?!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

ohhh ayaaah

Hello people . Sooooo long never post blog . The reason is my lappy is spoile .
Right now i at kakak house . Im sooooo tired . Now is 630pm already .
& this is will be a short post . hmm , later , im gonna siap2 & take kakak's tunang & take ayaah & maybe having dinner at Vivo . okey , im looking foward . I cnt wait . heeh !
okey , i better siap2 now . byeee :))