Friday, March 19, 2010


My trip to PortDickson , start really bad & end badly .
Tiara Beach Resort ahh , mendak sekali ! Second time been there , still the samee . Something happe there . Wish reallyreally bad ! Me Erin did someone reallyreally dissapoint ! okey lets skip about that :))
My maths homework almost done . But i stuck with some of the que . tak tawuu buat . English im still not done yet . Sape nk g layan english ? kene bace buku lak tu . malass lahh . hmmm , i wanna to online but got prob . like !@#$%^&*()_ !Now , its raining . Very the lebat yknow . Rindu sape agaknyee eh ? ^^ I'll end here . Rindu aegi
Got to know ade org blg die, psl aku . haa , blg lah kau :)

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