Sunday, October 10, 2010


After i broke up with Syed for the second time, I keep on having weird dream/worst dream! People who i really hate appear in my dream and also those who am not close too! Ergh! i jst dont understand. What they think to much about me huh? Even i dream about the sec4s-_______-
Its chinese girl, NA student. kene maki sial aku dari tu ponpuan D: & I hope it will not happen in reality. AMIN:)
Narie date baik peh ? 101010^^ okey whatever, Im gg out laterrrrrrrr~ gg study.
Comfirm ramai org mintak steady eh ? 101010 ape. Cam dulu 090909. Woohoo~ Time kite pegy geylang buke puase & time tu jugak lah Hizami mintak stead. LOL! & Time tu tak slh Fazeera & Azeizul nye 5mths anni ? yeah , something like tat. Awesome lah jugak.

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