Thursday, December 31, 2009


Today last day of 2009 & say hello to 2010 .

2009 has been tough year for me .

So upcoming 2010 , i dont want put on a mask infront of my 3 friends .

No matter how much i hate them , i have to accept the way they are . Right readers ?:)

I wanna movee on !! haa -.-

I wanna grow taller !!! Make my dream come truee !

More outing !

Get all i want ~

Have a good grades ! tats for suree lahh kan . sape tak nak !?

Must Must study hard !

alaah , i wanna countdown ! :( , Zamy Meng Azie , at Flyer seyy , :"(

Sangat2 tak menarik !

k , i wanna watch tvee .

Causeway Point .

She look tall .

Its 4.27am in the morning & i cant sleep .
Yesterday went to Causeway point wif Chaa , Faz & Dee .
Meet them outside CottonOn . Help Cha find her sch shoe . haha
Walk around Causeway here & there + laugh like hell . Great !
Chaa having a hard time looking for her sch shoe at last she wanna buy same shoe wif me .
Okey ahh tu BUT sucha pain , when ask for size 38 white shoe , at last no size .
haiyaa ! at last she didnt buy -.- maybe she buy at lot kot ..
then buy bubble tea , home .
Reach home do my staff , sleep . Then wake up , wash face , eat .
countdown , today . sape nk join ? chey cam phm je aku blh . haha .
k lahh till here . maybe will post in the afternoon . maybee je :D

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Harap je anak melayu.

Ahmad Adam Danial , comeel .
So im back from KL . ha-ha-ha . I dont want to talk about it .
Today i should meet ifaa all ... but mom say next time can . haiyaaa !
Sch gonna re-open Soooooooooooooooooooooooon ! really soon .
Im not ready yet i guess .
Been sleep late & i dont know how im gonna wake up when sch re-open .
Abg will be on Mc for 5days start from today . HAHA ! keciann die kan .
Went out todya wif Mom & Abg . haiyooo ! Go hospital jee .
Then go Sheng Siong buy things to cook for tmr .
Me & abg sssssso kecoh seyy at Sheng Siong . haha! We take dis and tat . Aloot man !
Maklomlaah , kate 5days Mc pee . Semuee nyee kebas ahh :D haha!
k , right now , im having a convo . Till here then .
Ifaa , melayu aku makin Bagosss kan ?! ^^ haha -.-

Monday, December 28, 2009

cute kan kite? haha.
Hello. Ifaa here. Aisyeek's lazy to post her blog so im here to help her post. Lazy ah you! Haha. Aisyeek came back yest nite. So how syeek? KL fun or not? Hm. Actually im sick and ive no energy to type lah but im bored. So, just help her to post and makesure that her blog is not dead. So, okay lah. Byebye!

Friday, December 18, 2009

My only dream .

Miss my dear tat gul beside me :( how i wish she could stay longer :(
Boom ! Sorry for not posting for soooooooooo long . hee . Being busy + lazy .
Firstandforall , Im single . yah me ! -.-
so Kakak , dont ask me , hows my boyfriend dis and tat :)
So today meet up wif Aicha syg & Fred .
Meet Aicha and have lunch together .
Talk about him & Carl :) then walk around lots to find something .
When to Al-Khair then . Back to lots to meet up wif Fred :)
Wait for him at Mcd . Then talk about his result dis & tat .
then home . Right now watching Awan Dania . K , best !
as my only dream to be an Air Stewardess but the only reason is ....
IM SHORT :"((((( alaaah ! Susah yknow ! k lah , till here .
Tmr having Grooming session & in the noon off to Port Dickson .

Monday, December 7, 2009

Kampong oii

Walaupun ku ke kiri , ku ke kanan , kita maju kehadapan ... k mepek ! haha ! -.- right now im at Angah's office . I was bored staying at kampong so i decide to follow Angah . Furthermore , my dearest cousin , Erin is away for 3days . She have so called camp , Motivasi camp (in malay not sure in eng wat lah )Yesterday she left already. I want to enter the camp but to bad it was FULL :( but hey , i was hoping tat any person never come for the camp but to bad ! Full lahh siot ! dah siap nga baju aku taww ! tapi tk dpt masuk ! haiss . Sad ah :( kk , skip !

The day i left S'pore , went to Desaru & meet up wif dearest cousin & family. The place was great . haha . For so long didnt meet them && guess wat , Erin cut her hair short ! haha , shocking . Well , mom & SF stay & when we were swimming , mom & SF went back S'pore .
So i stay Desaru & went back to Melcca . Actually , from Desaru to S'pore but it turn another way round . haha . Coz of Erin lah ! She never bring her passport . Tsk !
Then went back Melacca . heeh .
Now , im here posting :D The picture above is at Desaru . haha , all is from Angah's phone & camara . The one me & Erin , too white ahh . Dont know why . The camera spoile if im not wrong . Theres more in my camara but i didnt bring my memory card . Okey , i will be back sooon ! Maybe on the 9Dec or maybe on the 10Dec :D Till here then . Will go out later & eat wif Angah . haha
Missing Everybody . Gfs , Boyfriend , Family :

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Saturday, November 21, 2009

RigbySayangggggggggg !


Wake up 8am -> went to new house -> rush back home -> meet Rigby inside train -> Taka -> Wisma -> Borders -> LJS -> Denna's cribs -> home -> new house -> home :D
and now im here posting :D
actually , today Gfs outing but tak jadi :( Next week ok korg !?
well , i have great time wif Rigby :B

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Isnin dan Selasa

1 of kakak housemate just went out . haha . She is an Air Stewardess another housemate idk , yesterday , she just cameback Spore from where idk . She also an Air Stewardess . Gerekk pee ? Drg tinggi dooh ! aku bile nk tinggi :( ? I wanna be Air Stewardess yknoow ~
k cut ! >8>8>8>8>8>8>8>8
let talk on Monday .
Did not go anyway . At nite went out to hunt for food . haha , Went to Sempang Bedok then go Shop & save . haha . Reach home , I watch KBS , The Gloden Apple while kakak insind her room doing her stuff . I called Fauzi & cried . K , mepek but true . haha -.-! Then , me & kakak sleep at nearly 5am due to some reason . wakaka !
Todayy .
Recieve a morning called , was shocked man ! Force myself to ans the called . haha , pass the phone to kakak , pass me back , talktalk & back to sleep . haha . tired dooh ! Then wake up > share something wif kakak > bath > eat > Tv/Download song untill now . haha . Im infront while kakak inside her room , Sleeping . She is working tmr , morning . So im all alone . haha .
Actually i should be home today , but i dont want . I wanna sleep here , so , yeahh lohh . haha .
Right now , im listening to song , chatting . So yeah till here then . Byebye :D

Monday, November 9, 2009

Olddd pic.

Ignore all my (insetaword) facee :D

When i was in p3 .

I just miss them . The old them . Erin ... Fauzii . Rinduu sangat2 :(
Kakak is right beside me & she sound-ly asleep Zzzzzzzzzzzz!
I can't sleep actually coz im actually hungry D:
& Im here posting again .
Im bored & my feets does not want to give me instrusation to walk to the kitchen . haha ,
That spells Im LAZY ! :D HAHA !
so later on , idk whats Kakak paln . Where are we gg sis ?! k lame laah!
i guess i will stop here ? Idk what to post ! Good morning ;D
ohh , its 091109 btw . Will called/msg him in the morning :

Sunday, November 8, 2009

ingat ke tak die ? :(

HALOOO ! haha -.-
im bored . Sch holiday is like , grrrr ! k nehmind . mendakk yknow .
idontknow wat to post actually . haha . As u can see , i change my blogskin . Okey tak skin aku !? haha . Btw , im not a BIG fan of Paramore ;D Its just a blogskin okey !? haha .
Right now im chatting wif Bulan , Ashey & Denna .
Waiting for my dearest kakak finish talking wif my mom .
Im sleepingover at kakak house . K best .
haha , tmr , 091109 , haizz , lets see tmr .
ok ppl , short post ok !? gtg , byebye .

Friday, November 6, 2009

Friday , 061109

10 Gfs nak otp satu hari ?! HAHA ! Jom ! ehh , outing dah , tapi date bile huh !? :D

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Went out wif mom today . Went Marsiling to Causewaypoint . Shopping ! yess , i do alot of shopping . then went mkn at Banquet & while eating I Saw the D's . haha , then went Metro >>> Home .

Fazeera & Denna , cheer up please . No matter what life still have to move on . Cheer up plss . Both of you have to relex ur mind .

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Gereeeeeeeeeeeeeek ahh !

So drama nite was gereeeeeeek ! haha , sape tak pegi rugi . After the show ended , took alot of pictures . Most of it at `Rawrbeetah camere (?) Had dinner at Town > Balik mlm ! haha , best ! So short post laah . Lazy wanna post long2 . Enjoy the pictures okey :D & ppl , ENJOY your Holidays ! Gonna miss all my Gfs , Bfs & my Dearest 2n4 :( Takecare .
Hasif :D
Ms Rohsini :(Bee , nice dress ^.^

kesian `Rawrbeetah
Tinggi ahh die -.-
yg lain tengok ane ?
wth(?) WISH
Ladies nite
Waiting for food :D

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Last day of school .

Last day of sch . Awww , so sadd . Goodbye 2N4 . Gonna miss youu all . Soo all of us get to promote to Sec3 . K best , tapi nnt semue berpecah :( Okey so today , i came sch late ! haha , i guess , number of late in the year 2009 , 50+ ? haha . So there were prize giving . Our class got the good class attendence . Shocking huh ?! Recess 1hour . Gereeek ! Apples all around the canteen . Kesian Adeelah . Home room was next . Clean the whole class , took picture & so on .
Sch ended , walk around the sch & rush back home . Checkcheck , when i reach home , mom was not at home . i was !@#$%^&*()_ ! kk , then took my report book , when back to sch . Called mom , but she havent reach sch . While waiting , i keep on texting :B Mom reach , msg MsA* wait for her at foyer . Talk about my result . All was okey , Yeaah ! off to Alif & eat . Now im here posting :D Mane`Rawrbeetah ni ? Pat Sheng Shiong ehh ? Come onlinee laah ! Cepaat ! Tmr , meeting my Kakak & Im gg to Drama nite ^^ . Hope to see you ppl there . Till heree then .

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

mepekmepek !

Inter class game was great ^^ . Lots of shouting / vulgarities wif one of the express class . Bloody hell ! BUT its ok . Results was all ok , execpt for my Maths i get U . Wooohooo ! till here then . Im not in the mood to post . Thx to mom :@ Kakak , call me asap !!!
Btw , sorry `Rawrbeetah , i cannot send you the photo today :D

Monday, October 26, 2009

Keep out of trouble .

Im Shock :(
Denna , you should know wat i mean .
Btw , thanks ..
eheh , backbone problem lagiii :'(

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Saturday, October 24, 2009

buat pakai je ?

- =.= blogger is for my friends & not for you .. Bengap ! aku pon tak heran laah takde kwn cam kau ! kau tukar skolah , take care ehh . Alasan mepek ke ? tak heran ahh , aku nk post cam ni . SO ? *roll eyes*
- Gfs outing , when ? Soon rite ? So No Boys tats for sure , it must be 10 only dan tak lebih dari itu :D Ifaa , Rabitah , Amok , Denna , Aicha , Fazeera , Rigby , Fateen , Adeelah & MEEEEE :D
mesti menarik ! Pegi town yok !! tengok waayangg ?! HAHA .
- Asl ehh , kau suke org yg daah "berpunye" ? pelik .

Friday, October 23, 2009

Sape kau?Aku tak kenal laah!

- Come'on (name), PLEASE cheer up :(
Dont do stupid things !
Pleasee !!
- What now ? you want me to smile at you talk to you ?
what i care bcoz , i dont even know you at all !
*hmm , do i know you ? i dont think so .*
You want me to be nice to you ? Come'on laah .
Remember what you to me in MSN ?
Bile mase kau bbl ? Huh ? We just walk pass SAHAJE !
i show face so what ?
Ingat balik . Dont tagged me bcoz i dont know you !

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Sayang Bulan

Boohoo !
Today no sch bcoz today got Moderation day .
hope kite semue dpt naik sce3 ! Insya'allah .
So today , meet Bulan (:
Went Woodland Civin.C & teman her do her Art (:
I help her do some shading .
HAHA ! sori eh Bulan kalau tak lawa :D
After tat head to LJS for dinner .
bused home wif Bulan .
Thx Bulan for sending me untill my blk :)
so today i have a great time wif Bulan .
ThankYou for the treat :D
Next time my turn ok ?!
you takecare taww , *hugs*
Fazeera&Aicha , sori ok ? Last minute lah . Sori ok ?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Tak heraaaaaaaaaaan !

right now webcamming wif Meng & also otp wif him .
cool ehh ? HAHA !
let me say something ...
to ___
Thankyou so much ehh , coz being my cyber world friend !
ThankyouThankyou !
but now i dontknow u as a friend from now onward !
i will not admit tat u are my friend .
go on & mark my words !
i will not take back my words !
you Stay away from me .
tak sangke peragai cam ni jugak .
haizz , kau take care sudahh ehh !
After sch got NCC , pds .
HAHA ! luckly i never get into PDS !
NoNO for me ;D
Bulan was in sch today ! BUtbutbut , i never get to hug her )):
nehmind , lainkali pon adeee ((((:

till here then , byee .

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Stay away from me is the best way.
I mean , we can still be friends but ... nehmind .
If you are reading this , Im sorry .
Banyak lagi pat luar .
Dont put all the blame on you !
Thank you :]
Where is all my 9 Girlfriends ?! plus me 10 laah ;b
We need an outing yknow Gfs !
only the 10 of us ! tak lebih dari itu .
Sepuloh wanita sahaja !
korg tak miss satu same lain ke ? :(
u ppl can just get lost man !
Im sick & tired looking at both of ur faces .
i dont want to follow u guys ! but U keep forcing me .
bloody hell ! :@

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Boooooooo ! Sori for not posting . haha . due to some reason ;D
soo let the picture do th talking .
Study at Woodland Civic.C .

at Goodview :-