Friday, June 19, 2009

ohhh,cousin :D Miss my long hair:(

Let me share you ppl out there some kind of story -__-"
[May sound funny]
This is what in my mind now , i guess ,
but if u ppl think its lame then just get lost (!!!!)
the story is just like
Kami the Movie , but this story is really real (!!!!!)
lets start with ,,
5bestfriends/friends . 2guys & 3girls .
[represent colour as the name]
so this two guys were bestfriends . & this 3 girls were in different class .
so , we know them as in MSN
The two boys were the one make up this group whice called Jiwe *winks*:DD
asking the girls weather want to join the *Jiwe* & so all of the 3girls join the group .
And every min , every second , everytime we online , we will have 1 convosation ,
y'know its really fun . We joke around , & we always share our problem .
Untill one day , the girl fight with another girl . Even the other group were mad at tat girl & everyone were siding her . But the guy really help the girl tat fight with another girl .
& thx to tat guy for helping the girl & another girl is back to normal ^_^
But now , the group "Jiwe" is no longer , due to some reason !
Thx to that another girl , she love the guy in the same group . But the guy lie to the whole group
& said tat he is single , padahalpadahal .
The 3girls were all mad at him .
& that another guy want to leave the group member coz he cant take it anymore .
He always help people but he himself cant settle his own prob .
& now he leave the group , and so the other group member go and have their own seperate ways . Its really hard to forget all the memories but life still have to move on ~ .
Just like how you ppl out there break up with your girlfriend/boyfriend ,
you ppl still have to move on .

Okey im done here . I want pack up all my things for later .
My flight is at 9pm , so i still have time to call / msg my Girlfriends :DD
i will not be in Singapore for 4 days .

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