Monday, August 31, 2009

Happy Teachers Day :DD
Phenomena was great . hakaka , oklahh .
Meet up old friends at GRPS :D
But first , meet up wif BF at Phoenix Lrt .
Stop at Fajah & walk towards GRPS . Saw Aziezul & Khai-hitam wif idk who :)
Reach outside GRPS , saw Farah , Fatin & Atiqah HUG themm , aww , Fatin still cute ahh ^^
"AISYAH" haha . AbgSol shout my name so loud man !
Ppl already staring at me , i was ,WTH ! haha , salam him , talk forawal :D
Lucky he remember my name ^^ . Saw Mondok , chhey no lah . Its Arisha ,
wahhh tinggi sak kau ! takpetakpe :))
waah , everbody change sak . From short to tall ! Jealous aku tauu . Takpetekpe:))
Solehudin look like upper sec sak . I tot who . Untill BF told me tat he is Solehudin , i was , wth !
Get to talk to him , haha . Pity BF coz tk dpt bbl same die ^^
Then balblablan , lazy laah .
K then when outside sch wif BF & Anisya , saw Alfiyan .
Talktalk . Then tot of meeting Salihin butt , nehh lazy ahh .
Wait for kakak & send BF home .
Go Jurong forawal blablabla . home sweet home , sleep bath then breafast ;D
Today , Breakfastt , waah best nyee ^^ . Everyone were in the house plus wif AbgRizal :D
SF tkdee , haha , ape aku kesah . Kalau Fauzi adee lahh bast :"((
Nehhh , missmiissmiss him sangatsangat . Called him , he will not ans my kol :(
OKEY , cut !
Right now , Chatting wif Dina , Aicha & Enal + Msg-ing ^^
kk , till here then , Yahoooooooooooo !
Esok tak skolah ^o^ Besssssssssst !
Can sleep like pig . hahahhahah !
Yesterday was ur luck man !
" Siti ! Hairi ! Mak pangil eh !?"
Haha , mom will always kecoh !
like !@#$%^&*()_+

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Yeahyeahyeah , so , dah ckp tu semue , karang baru nak sedah ?
nehhh , i GUESS i forgive u .
Monday tak puas hati , bace lah inbox aku .
The problem is all about him , trust . I know .
But there is a reason why i post about other thing too .
Must be a reason rite ..
well u know that HER also .
Well tats wat i see wif my own eye lah . OKEY !?
TERpicit ke sengaje ? well idk , someone told me tat SHE wanna read my inbox ok .
So , kalau nak bace atleast can ask rite ?
see , everytime i talk about ASBH
someone will ask , cam ane kau leh dpt no die . cam tu semue .
Dont u find weird when someone say like tat ?
U see , everytime i msg wif ASBH ,
u will be smiling , i knowiknow
but deep inside ur heart , idk if u are mad or jealous ?
Ohh , i cry BECAUSE someone wanna BT info me ?
But why wanna BT ? Why dont want ask me ?
eyy , sape start dulu ?
Kau pikir kau sorang aje ke yg penat nak gado2 ni semue ?
kau aje ? eyy , aku pon laah :)
Nehmind Nur :)
Lets talk about yesterday !
soo , yesterday , after sch have NCC :D
was great but during our ceremony ,
WORST ! haha ,
kene mrh lohh same ma'am . Then do some marching & also some of the PartDs ;D
then wait for Khair & off home :b
Reach home , Kakak already reached :D
bath breakfast & ogg to geylang .
Wahhh , ramai dok org ")
Walk around & court some nice outfits :D
haha , kakak & me bought baju kurung which
different colour & paattern .
Then jln2 saw budak Yusof Ishak , saw my relative
which on my father side . Remind me of someone too :[
nehmind , then have drink at the new pasar .
Send kakak home :)
Reach home , bath then lalaland :D
right now chatting wif Hadi .
Ifahh alik kampong , haizz .
Till here then :D
Tak nak bilang pon dah blh tawuu laah .
Yeahyeahyeah , BT Info kepe ? Asl taknak just bukak & bace terus kan !? S*
But it ok ahhh . Silekan lohh bacee . Tkdehal .
Monday ni kau nk bace pon blh laah .
I will not delete his msg :)
Die yg tawu sendiri . So ?!
I asked him to topup for u , tibe2 ade name EHEM !
so ? die yg tawu sendiri kan .
bbl nga kau baik2 , u show ur f* face kan !?
Up to u laah .
U should thx me & her laah Coz we were the one helping u .
If not kan , forever u & him lose contact :)
Remember , when they were away , who were there for u ?
Do u thanks US/THEM !?
ade tak ? tak kan .
When u have problem , u find her .
But when u dont have problem , u like heck care .
Nehhh , Just remember tat laah ,

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Rawrbeetah first problem , sudah pon settle !
Kankankan !?
HAHAHAH lesson all was ok .
Free period , GEREEEEEEEEEK ! haha ,
I laugh like what only ;D
sukeeeee aku :D
thx to Afiqah & Rawrbeetah laah . I laugh like hell !
Till here then ,
sorry for the short post :D
nothing to say/type

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Today I C-A-B-O-T
madrasah ! wakakaka , got reason ho why i CABOT ;D
Meet BFF & Aicha .
Took alot of picha wif Aicha but
TOOOO lazy wanna upload :b

In the evening , when out .
Break fast outside ;D
Right now , Chatting wif Aicha & Enal
Pluss , looking for information .
Till here then ;D

Saturday, August 22, 2009

I roll eyes at him , he did back at me .
Bagos ahh . Maybe , lama ke lamaan , kau benci aku :))
i dont mind laah . but i will miss u as a friend :(
i just hate u man , when u keep asking the same quesation again & again .
haiyoo , why must problem come ?
Why must life have problem ? Why cant problem free ?! Cheyyy , mepek sak .
Right now im chatting wif aiman & amma .
Till here then ..
Selamat berpuase semueeee ! haha !
time sahur , did wake up BUT did not eat :D
cool kepe !?
now , pp8 sudah habis :'(
alaaaah , nk reply mcgg !! Grrr !
Im bored someone can Layan me ?
k ,till here .

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Another problem come !
cam sial ahh . Terime kasih eyy (whoever)
sape sak nk fool around !? tell me ah ?
Plus , please laahh eyy ,
tak payah ahh sial nk keep on asking the same quesation again & again .
so wat if the quesation " yes or no " ?!
Its just too complicated ahh
please ahh ! sialan !
hope ur are reading ey !

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Yesterday picha ((:
Mind Fateen face :D
Feeling down ? neeeh , u say No .
If u reading this , better i guess .
Making me feeling better ?!!?!
I know its hurting u alot .
Im sorry .
what happen when ur class & my class was waiting for our
MT teacher's
i slap u & u did tat something ,
i was shock . yet i keep it silence .
from there onwards , i know wats ur feeling .I REALLY Know !
when u mcg me ,
i know whats the quesation u wanted to ask .
but plz dont ask the same quesation .
coz i know , i will hurt ur feeling
but when i ask u about TTM , u do not want too .
WHY ? tell me the reason then !
u know my reason y i dont want to be with u .. but u urself !? haizz ..
Plz read ! take note of all this !!
ThankYou !

Monday, August 17, 2009

Thx to Khair for making me cry early in the morning .
CB ! Nabeeyy ! Grrrr !
Lesson was all OKEY !
Art was ok . Project runway , YI version
Have to draw the boy & gul body .
Ikram & Meng like an ass ! dont wish to talk about it .
Then recess , never eat . Just drink .
Maths then . Ms Tan , our new maths teacher.
Cute but her voice -.- toooooo soft ! tak blh dengar dok . nasib lawa =.o
Biology nothing much happen .
DnT 50-50 I cnt even understand wat MrY* teaching .
He ask the whole class to pay attention but then ,
after he finish teaching ,
Me : cher , do at where ?
MrY* : give me one kind of look .
Rawrbeetah was already looking at me .
Me : OHH ! do at foolscape .
then theres another part ..
Me : Cher , i dont know how to do laahh . how seyy .
MrY* : he did not say anything as i was looking down .
Me : But i pay attentions .
Stupid sak me .
But almost all the class is dead ! M A T I ! all feel like sleeping :D
Then meet Fateen & Fazeera at the counseling rm . Great .
Then went canteen first salam2 GF & off i goo meet BFF .
Took 985 wif Hizami & Aidil .
was super great ^^
Meet BFF & took 187 & off to CWP
walk around eat at LJS , talk2 .
then go WSC . lepak there .
Prank someone . haha . kecian .
& off homesweethome ;D
To WanDina :
Relex ok ? hmm , just break up sudah . his not the rite one .

Sunday, August 16, 2009

The last time i called him was in June :'(
Rinduu dahh ,
he also dont know my new number .
Not the rite time i guess.
*korg NOT him ok ! *

Saturday, August 15, 2009

How i wish i have a remote control !
I want to rewind back !!
Rewind back YESTERDAY pleaseeeeee ! hehe .
today stay at home . haizz , mendak !
Plan to go Melacca but then cancle :(
Nehh its ok .
Stay at home like a good gul ! cheeey :D
i still not done wif my DnT . haizz . lazy ahh :))
nothing much to talk about .
Right now chatting wif Aicha , Rigby & Ikram
till here then .

Friday, August 14, 2009

After sch , GF to go somewhere which im not really sure :))
Rigby plan not to go Training :(
I was like mad women begging her to go due to some reason ;B
Sorry Arina coz i was like "owg" gile asking u to stop Rigby from not gg NCC :D
Training was great ! SUPERDUPER FUN !
Did CNC & oritering ( not sure the spelling )
I really have great time . Tak menyesal ahh tak g :PP
Both of them were there too :D Rigby u know i know *peace*
head to inter Wif Rigby & the guys :D
then Rigby left & so im the only gul & all the boys .Went WM & all the guys start their bully -.="
Nehhmind , still having fun :p
train home wif Aidil , Hizami , Meng , Khair , Khairi , Sakti , Azhar .
Thx aidil for sending me till Woodland :D Thank you ! Thank you !
The most paiseyy was , when i was in the train wif Aidil & Sakti ,
my HP drop for two time , yet i can still laugh like mad women .
Elisya was in the train too :) Mesti u saw it rite ?
Right now im sick :((
nehh till here then :D
Night .

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

After sch went to WM wif GF .
Saw Mai , Izati & Atiqah at KFC :D
After eating want to Ifaah blk to slack :D
It was Gerekkk !
After the rest , Firman & gang get lost ,
Hizami , Meng , Khair , Ifaah , Adeelah & me stay .
Talk about something which really make us really mad !
Grrrr !
Talk about the past too !
Was SUPER great .
Spent time together wif them but sayang sekali things changed :(
Wish The ONE whole group were there :(

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Happy 44 Birthday Singapore :D
wat have happen :'( ?? rindu oii rinduu :(

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Aicha camera :D ohhh Aichaa ,

Twins !

903 bas

903 bas
903 bas

Candid . heck care wif the face :D
Twin trying to save me :D hahaa

From my camera :D

ohh , She sucha a bitch !!
Santaii , LOLS
Suppp !
Rigby , uat bodoh eyy same aichaa :D
Aisyeeek :D
Eat more apple plz :)

Awww ,,
Sumpah , its candid :D
Themmm ..

Yusof Ishak Sec Sch :D

Us ..
thanks to Fazeera :D
Sayaaaaaaang , not all in here :D
Fazeera , me , Aicha , Denna
U.P :))
2n1 , 2n3 & 2n4
The twin :))
Us ..

TwinSayaaaaaaaaaaaaang :D

Yesterday was otp wif Ifaah , haha ,
otp wif her till 3.15 am .
Wah , was talking wif her about something , then she halfway dozed off .
waahh , baik ahh eyy ! haha . i was ,
me - eyy , ifah , kau jangan dah tido sudah eyy ,
ifaah - quiet
me - aku bbl sorang ke ni !?
ifah - zzzzz
me - Ifaaa , Ifaah , ifaah , ifaah *shout already *
ifaah - huh .. eyy sori ahh syeek . aku dah penat ahh .
me - leerr , penat ckp lah , ni tak aku bbl sorang .
ifaah - laugh aku dengar kau jerit then aku terbagon . ah k ahh , bye .
me - Byee .
Siak ahh , was talking alone seyy HAHAHA ,, nehmind .
GF maybe comeing to woodlands . nehh , idk :D
till her then , will post more later !? neeh , Tak sure :D

Picha during school hours . Before june holidays !

Right now its , 106am in the morning :D

++ otp wif IfaaaaMonteel :D

byeeee :DD