Monday, August 3, 2009

Im sorry because i was to harsh to u .
I did not mean to do tat . But tats me , tats Aisyeek .
Dont u expect me to be nice to u .
Dont u expect me to jage ur feeling .
coz now i think is the rite time to tell the truth .
I know , how ur attitude is .
But dont u expect me to be nice to u .
Somehow , i pity ur Girlfriend .
Sometime i dont ever understand ur feeling .
U & her dah fight , then now i fight wif u , then hows next !?
Fine ah , aku salahkan kau , tapi plz ahh aku tak slh kan kau mati2 !
plus , im the one fight wif u , soo , plz , i dont want u to fight wif ur Girlfriend .
Pity her laah sikit .
Dont think of urself only ! Think about others too .
If U or Fid is reading dis , really sorry :(
To Faz :
cheer up ok !? I know how u feel .
I will still there by ur side nomatter wat .
Just do wats rite & wats wrong:)
U have the rite tto decide .
To Afeeqah :
Im sorry ok bby ?
I know i hurt ur feeling just now :$
But superr sorry . I talk before thinking .
yeah tat me :( Tat Aisyeek . Talk before THINKING !
Nomatter wat , u still can come to us ok !? Loveyou .
To others :
We are back in action ! Right !? hehe ,
hope no more prob :D see , i guess everything settle (?)
Neeeeeeh , not really sure bout tat:)
Miss the old them saakk ..

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