Saturday, August 29, 2009

Tak nak bilang pon dah blh tawuu laah .
Yeahyeahyeah , BT Info kepe ? Asl taknak just bukak & bace terus kan !? S*
But it ok ahhh . Silekan lohh bacee . Tkdehal .
Monday ni kau nk bace pon blh laah .
I will not delete his msg :)
Die yg tawu sendiri . So ?!
I asked him to topup for u , tibe2 ade name EHEM !
so ? die yg tawu sendiri kan .
bbl nga kau baik2 , u show ur f* face kan !?
Up to u laah .
U should thx me & her laah Coz we were the one helping u .
If not kan , forever u & him lose contact :)
Remember , when they were away , who were there for u ?
Do u thanks US/THEM !?
ade tak ? tak kan .
When u have problem , u find her .
But when u dont have problem , u like heck care .
Nehhh , Just remember tat laah ,

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