Friday, April 24, 2009

Ahteacar , I own this picha .
Salwa - EleanorRigby ,

again ,

Ifahhhhhhhhhhhhh ,

` Rawrbeeeeetah !

Hellowello ppl ! so how are u ?? fine, sick ?? ahha u decide .
so today first period , english . Got test , about wat , i dont remember .
The test i can say SUSAH ah , + i was not in the mood to study .
i did not read my passage properly . Cnt concenterate ah ,
Then , PE , got our 2.4km . okok ah ! then go ISH .
during recess meet wif MsRoshini,
MT next , suck alot ! still tk phm ape CikguAz ajar ! Whatever lah !
Maths then , got maths test ah . Overall , it easy ah , 50 50 .
then , SCHOOL END !
blablablablabla ,
Me , TwinSayang , Rawrbeetah , Ifahkecoh & Rigby
lepak at MacD . We all were like taking bout something , taking picha , haha .
Ifahh tell Rigby something . hahah . Her re-action was like .........................
hahaha. Rigby was shocked ! haha .
Girlfriends plan tmr want go tengot wayang , westmall/couseway ??
idk , but maybe im not following , fuck lah !
Coz Sister Intan is here .Tmr pon ! Alamak ! Kacau je my plan !
kk , Byeeeeeeeeeeeee , Good Nigth readers !

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