Friday, July 31, 2009

NCC was great , but some of them was choose for NDP (?) haiyooo , then boring ,
Farewell to Maam Teh , was great :D but soo sad , she leaving us :(
The marching from the PartB&C (boys) great ! Super . Maam was laughing ,
Aidil was so shy ! -.- mepeek ! Lols . Ikram was cute . HAHAH , durinng their marching , i never see Hizami& Hasif ! haha , maybe to small tu psl :DD
Going to miss Maam i guess :( Haiyooo ,,
Train home wif Hazami , Aidil , Hasif , Meng , Fad & Efahh . kene bully by Meng , Fad & Aidil .
Pukimak -.- Gerammm ,
Dah laahh ,, lazy wanna type . byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D
Both were there at the same time , ohlalala ^^

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Music was SuperDuper GREAT ! hehe , make me wanna dance :DD
Then lesson was okok laah , MT always suck big time , really man .
I just dont get it why everytime i step in Malay classroom , i will be Shut down !
see , ok so just now MT got test . I dont really paham the BahagianC -.- coz to sleepy maah :D
Then PAP , great , eat then go garden . Lepak wif the boys ^^
Then at 240 went to MT room for MTworkshop . I find it great :D Not boring at all .
& im not felling half dead also just not :DD plus during the workshop ,
Me , Denna , Fateen & Adeelah keep on laughing & playing stupid passing thing *laugh*
I laugh alot untill Ikram ask me to be quite coz ,
Cikgu Azizah is looking at me o.- & also ,
there dis part when Mr Herman talk , he reallyreally look like Khairul Amir :D
haha , lucky his not mad when i tell him . Relex je die , Baikk :B
So after the workshop , went to Lot1 :D While waiting for the bas , we take alot of picha :D
Mind all my muke tak perlu . So no need to comment :P

Tinggi nye dier ni !

Im the odd one :
Aichaaaaa ,
both our muke tak perlu -.-

Stay away from us FLU !
3 polo-t 1 uni :D

Aicha , me , Denna , Adeelah:D
Ok , tat all for today :D

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Nothing much happen in sch today . I was feeling down .
PE was great . I wif Kitty :DD MT , ok ahh ,
half way gitu dah nk shut down x)
Class inter , suck big time .
Mepek sak cikguu , yeahyeahyeah , i know i know , i always late . SO ?
So after sch , salamsalam Girlfriends (sori kalau aku salam korang tak ikhlas)
& off to Bugis wif Adeelah :) Teman her go buy dress . Then walkwalk , get dress ,
then go mkn at LJS :D then got this Sister , keep staring me & Adeelah .
Staring cam nk mkn org je , ape pikir cool ah !? ade own kau duit pe sial !?
okok skipskipskip ....
I never buy anything , no money mahh :D After eating , went window shopping again .
Take MRT , & adeelah take train wif me :D
if not we go seperate ways .

While waiting for the train , sempat amik gambar , hehe . See the different me & Adeelah ?!
Gerammm ! She's tall man ! wahh takpetakpee
Soo inside the train , Adeelah was palying wif her PSP , while me reading Adrain Mole story book . Wah rajin kan me !? wakakakikikuku x)
When reaching Khatib :D im half dead , nak shut down dok x)
So i stop reading . See adeelah play her game :D
Then byebye to Adeelah . Reach home at 6.20
& right now im here posting & chatting .

To(whoever) :- Im reallyreally superduper sori ok !? Sori if wat i say to u just now really make you cry:'(I didnt mean to do tat to u . U know me , i not easy to get bad mood/mad . Just tat i being left-out .I hope u understand . I being keeping this for a very long time . aku diam jee .
But i seem tat i keep on losing :'( They will always right & im wrong :(
Like u say , i must fight for the right . I will . Insya'allah . Satu hari , when its the right time , i will tell u all:)
Thank you Denna & Aicha , & im sorry :(

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

See tat gul up there !? Ok , Its Erin Erina , my cousin :DDD
Imiss her alraedy :( Maybe dis Friday or Satuarday im going back to MELAKE :D
Alik kampong ohohoh balik kampong xD
hahaha .
School today was great :D
Ok , nothing much lah to post :))
Esok got Lit test , alamak ! lom study :O
okok , got get going .
Adiouuuuuuuuuus :DD

Monday, July 27, 2009

Wakakikuku ! lOls .
If u have read `Rawrbeetah blog , u can see my name there on her post , Today .
Soo yeahh , during English , i did Alot of mistake during my english presentation *peace*
I keep on saying EFFORT but actually AFFORD :D see , too nervous kate kan -.-
Thennn , Phy^o^ super happy :DDD i likeeeeeeeeeee !
Girlfriends know ahh ! soo , yeah , kene kacau by MrL . Smallgul&Smallboi -.-
so , i did talk during his lesson & he court me !
Hell yeahh , i have to sit infront & hold that PINK flower .. & i was the last person to be punish :(
Neeehhh , it ok laah , lucky tak kene amik ez-link .
&&& for Maths , suck big time !
MrL keep on talking , make stupid jokes & everything laah -.-
He keep on talking crap ! So nehmind lah . Layan kan je laah .
Go LSP , wif Fateen for the first time & lucky tak kene mrh wif MsL . haha !
Then me meet Ifaah . Then Go gombak wif Adiilah , otw there , halfway rain heavily . -..- babi !
Then Adiilah plan something & we borrow one of this aunty nye payung :D
HAHA , thank you :D
Then go buy something for `Rawrbeetah & Amok & Ifah junk food .
Then return back tat aunty nye payung . Then lepak at Ifah place till 5pm .
& Adiilah , ass u ! wakakakikikuku ! Only amok know what i mean !
haha , but still superduper funny yooo !
Bused home wif Amok :DD
& u ppl will notice tat my post today , the teacher name start wif L ,whoaa !
Its remind me of something seyy ..

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Boring ass right noow -______-
haiyayaa ! can someone layan me !?
Right now chatting with Kembah pendek :D Dennnnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !
Soo just now went for Madrasah . haiyoo , idontwant to goo . But Mom forcee me .
sooo must goo lah . Soo today , MohammadAidilBinAzman did not attend . haiyoo .
Ok takpetakpee :D soo yeah , i reach there just in time ,
Butt wait for Maii . She's late man !hahaha , ok takpetakpe .
Skipskipskip ..
Mom & SF fetch me today && so Offf to Geylang .
Ok soo , we go to tat new place there , Ramai dok org .
Haiyooo ! Nak carik tempat duduk pon susah leeh . Then find sit , eat , walk around there
&& off too JooChiat . wahh , Baju Rayee pon dah start jual :DD
This yeah , im wearing Black . Haiyaa !
Last few years i just wear black . I mean wif my old fam :'(
Now also want wear black coz SF nak sangat . wah like chibye jee !
Guess wat everytime raye , i always get to choose what to wear/colour of the baju kurung
But noow , SF decide wat colour want to wear . haiyoo . see , everthing change ! Suck big timee !
Skipskipskip !
Then off to nenek house . Meet her . Now she recover already ! hehe .
Wait for Acik . Lame dok . && from far , he saw me & he tot tat im Nor , his sister -.-
Talk to him & yeah ku lepas kan gian akuuu :D
& now , im right here posting ^^
Till here then ,
Adious :D

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Now kakak have left Singapore :(
She go to LA !!!!!
exchange work there .
Geraam nyeeeeee ! okok , takpe takpe .
Take care ye , bile pat sane :(
get me something :DD

-PartC's marching
Yesterday Friday :D

Yesterday was great man ! I like . Ncc training start yesterday :DD
ohh yeah && halfway training , the PartD's was there .
Sebok kan !? tawu tak pe ! HAHAHA , no lah , i swear , it was FAKE , do come again when u people free !!! Okey !?!
PartD's NormalA:- Please get into Sec5 . So tat next year u all can come back for
training:D Pleasepleaseplease
Get rank :D I was so kangchong man to march up to Maam Mages ,haha .
Rigby & Ahteacar was making alot of joke alsoo :D
During PT , i report sick coz of my backbone -.-
Fucking irratating man , haiyoo , no point eating all those pills [!!!!!!!!]
ok so , Me , Ierah & Ika sat at studycornor .
Then talktalk wif Moooooooooooooon :D sayang same die tau ^^
Then Maam talktalk . [Malas nak type :D]
Mak pick me up :D also send Rigby home .
Overall training was the beeeeeeeeesssssssssst :DDD
also thx Bulan for the chocolate :D

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Okey first , just ignore ALL my face :D
Thank You :D
This is what happen when Maths class was F*cking Boring :DD
Me & Fazeera take picha lah :D
only the first one :D

Today nothing much happen in school :D
only during PAP , my backbone start to be soooo F*cking paiin !
After school went to Aliff to Makaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan :D
with Ifaa , Aicha , Rawrbeetah & Fateen
best :DD me , 24/7 eat only :D
haha , then went back home .
Reached home told Mom about my backbone .
So rest first then at 6++ off go Bukit Panjang Clinic .
Wah , then place change alot man , i mean not the clinic , at GreenRidge Shopping Center (?)
alot off change man .
ok i dont want talk about my backbone :) but it painful oii !
I should take Bulan advice :D
yeah , must bring my medicine everwhere :)
now , i still not yet pack my NCC things !
hehe , so lazy man :D
just now Bulan never come school :(
She sick oii !
Hey moon , gooo mkn ur ubat wokey !? get well sooon !! &&&& jumpe esok yee :D
esok prelim maah , go study :))
haha , & i get warm hug from u .
ok best :DDDDD
ok , im done here ! nothing much leeh :)
Alsooo , Happy Birthday Rahim :D

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

ThankYou Trisha :D

The day im sick :(
Sister , hehe

Random pichaaaa :DDDD

Saturday, July 18, 2009

I guess i have recover 50% but another half , Neeeeeh !
My throat still giving me problem :(( Haiyooo , when can recover ???
Okey I done wif my Art work ,
Anyhow do ahh :DD Comform kene redo/scold . Like i care like that -.-
DnT i have not start at all . haiyoo , idk how to do ahh :D
But nehmind , i will try finish it by today :)
Yesterday , webcam wif `Rawrbeetah(MakBitah)
Irratating yknow her -.- Fell like killing her ! Haha , buut nooo ! Cannot !
I show her my art work , she also ask me to redo , throw away =.= babi kau .

I also miss my 3 all time fav :D Which is Afiqah , Ifaa & Rigby :DD
Amok , u still my fav :)
Afiqah , I miss u leh , I miss gg to ur house :D
Remember when its 12 or 1 am in the morning , i go ur house . haha .
Funny lahh . Do our DnT homework at ur house .
I still remember man . I guess u dont remember huh !?

HAHA , its ok . I wish one day i can meet all my old friends .
Semue satu-satu case dah sombong ! k takpe :D Let's try :)

Its Sunday by the way :D
& i did not go madrasah :D
Lazyyyy :D
I guess thats all . Byee :D

Friday, July 17, 2009

Im still sick .
Its so weird yknow , normally when im sick , its only take 1day to cure .
But this time its like it been 2 days but yet is still not cure . Haiyooo .
I hope monday i can come to school :D
I have eaten my meal but still have not eaten my medicine , Wah bagos ah tu aisyeek :D
I dont want yknow . Mom also dont know that i havent eat my medicine :D
Right now im finding for my Dnt Image Board . Haiyooo ..
Idontknow leh where to fine all the picha . hehe ,
Art also not done , hehe , see soo lazy :D

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Yooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :DDDD
So long huh didnt update , hehe ..
Okey so Today i did not go to school . Im sick !
Maybe tmr , im not coming to sch . I want but soo weak that why .
Mom & SF went to look for new house , at bukit panjang !? Lol
hopefully DEPAT ! somemore can meet old friend :DDD Yeaaaaaah ^o^
Okey then , untill here leeeh . Nothing to post ahh .
Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Im having this mixed feeling ..
Even he has forgive me . but i know he is still sad/mad or whatsoever at me .
i know i hurt his feeling , but its the fact .
Love cnt be force . i mean i do love him but its so complicated !
People was shocking when i tell them about me & him , Lagilagi TwinSayang .
Some how , i pity for her too . Relex ok , i knoe how u feel .
haiz .. i know he reallyreallyreallyreally mad at me .
But i hope he really understand me .
i did not lie/cheat on u .
all of it is true .
And im really sorry !
Im not the best girl for u . So be it , accept the fact ..
my feeling now is Happy,Sad,Scared,Love,Hug .(reason^^)
Its so complicated yknow .
I know u have read my blog . so that really good huh !
well theres more other gul out there whinch better then me ..
also theres this gul really love u .
Can u just accept her !?
okok , btw ,
Thanks Aicha,Rigby,Denna,Fazz&Hadi !
thank you for ur help , ohh yeah & also KakAmma :D

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Went out follow mom & SF to look for a new house . I really like one of the house .
Its near to Repulic Poly .
HAHAHA , but the think is , went to the house , its india house .
But the house is really big . Nicee man .
okok , cut i will be gg out again . To go to another house :D
To B ,
Im really sori . I know i hurt ur feelling . But this is really true .
In life i really do love u but my mind is not aon u at all !
i know u really understand me . I know . But i dont know wat will happen
if i ask u for TTM/Break Up .
I know u will be mad at me but its the fact .
I love (whatname) more then u .
Okey , right now im having mixed feeling !
I cnt force myself loving u .
I know its really complicated ,
but ... haiz .
I mean , I do love u . But suddenly my love toward u , have fade ..
Idontknow how later .
Idontknow how to talk to u later , otp .
& also tmr . HOW AM I GOING TO MEET U TMR ??
I need someone help :'(
My feeling right now , is SCARED !!
I know , i must be Brave . calm down aisyeek !
relex :'(
AM I WRONG ??????
HELP ME !!!!
Right now Im scared !!
Am I doing the right thing or not , Kak Amma & Rigby ??
Am I !???!?!
i feel like crying !!! :'(
Today is just our 1week together . Get msg from him , hope we can last long .
after i ask him about the TTM thing ..
hell yeah , he offline -__-
FCUK yknow .
I guess i hurt him . like duhh -.-
or maybe , his heart break !!!
Then how am i going to face him tmr ?
FCUK !!!
I guess he read my blog !

Friday, July 10, 2009

Its like `Rawrbeetah post , she miss Girlfriends
& as my post also its about Girlrfriends .
Mane korg menghilang ?? MANE !? Hey korang i do miss u guys u know .
I understand That you guys are having problem .
I really wish to help you guys but i dont think so you guys " nak aisyeek tolong ! "
I miss Girlfriends ,
we all go eat together ,
Kacau2 the sec1 ,
webcam wif Girlfriends ,
Sharing my problem to Ifah & Aicha ,
Otp wif Ifaah till morning .
hahaha , everthing lah . Its abit the same like Rawrbeetah post .
Bile ni our next outing ??
Will my girlfriends having their enjoying outing with just the A.M ??
will u guys ? & just left me , Rigby & Rawrbeetah lapak together .
I will C-R-Y i tell you :'( i dont want this to happen man . AKU TAK NAK !
Fazeera said sorry to me & I will forgive you .
Aisyeek kan Forgive & Forget ^^
haha .
& u better remember what u promise me !
Why he is stupid called my house !?? Why ?
I wish i could tell you , just that im not ready .
i know if i love him alot , i will Last Long with him . Am i right ??
But how ? he knows tat my mind is on someone else , but will he understand ?
TTM ? im not sure :( Im veryveryveryvery confused .
I just need help , i keep on trying myself to forget (whatname )
but i really cannot ! like i said to my previous post ,
Its really hard for me to see both of their Face at the same time . Really .
I also remember what Ifaaah told me , I must take care of him .
yeah , i do love him but for now , it like i do not have the love toward him :(
Siak kan aku ?!! i know & i really sorry . It like i cheat on him .
To MsA* ,
so what if i & Fateen copy each other work ?! Its our problem & not us .
U said that if we copy each other work , u promise will change our class right !?
Go on , I dont care . I also do not want to be in ur class .
I hate it !!! Plus , u dont need respect from us .
U are a teacher but alsoo can lied to the students -_-
U told us tat u called Fateen , Fazeera & Denna parents & their parents said tat
They dont know about dis Mummy .
& end up , they check with their parents tat nobodoy called them .
Hell you , Just change my class lah , i dont even care . change ah change !

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Am i wrong or something !? :s
i guess i am . or maybe not -_-
Okey idontknoww :'(

I fell guility for now .
Maybe some of them do know why .
i treat him diffrenly which way far diffrence when i with (whatname)
And its really true . Maybe his down coz whatever .
maybe he saw me talking to (whatname)
Its like , i cnt see both of them at the same time . haizz ..
Its really hard u know :((
Maybe what Hasif told me , his right .
& its like , im so WRONG !!
U guys know what am i posting about , maybee .
& i fell sorry at the first place .
He knows whats on my mind & really understand me but ... haizz .
tmr , class is having smoking lizer :O & what the hell ..
You guys should know why !!!
The Whole Girlfriends , I Miss You Guys !!
donee :))

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Yooooo :D

The 4 girls in the house :D

I was been bully by Rigby -_-

Us ..

Goodbye Trishaaaa :(

again ^^

& again US !!

After school went MacD with
Trisha , Rawr , Rigby , Aidil , Hizami , Ikram , Hasif & Wafi :D
& off we go to Trisha crib's while the boys downstair with Trisha skateboarding .
Then the boys went home first , while us took alot of photo .
Went back home at 7pm :O late huh !
& Trisha thx for the bangle ^_^
nicee yoo .
I miss IfaaaSayang & TwinSayang :'(((
& i really do miss the both of yoou :'(((
Even everday i saw u guys .
i guess , u guys are doing fine , RIGHT !? takecare both of u :'(
& Fateen , u called me at the wrong timing . HAHA , u know i know ;P
& esok please dtg sekolah :D

Monday, July 6, 2009


Erin Erina :D

Peace yoo :D

Cousin :D

When To Melacca . Alik Kampong mahh , ^^ atlast .
ade kenduri .
Lazy want type ahh . Let the picha be the story :DDD