Thursday, July 23, 2009

Okey first , just ignore ALL my face :D
Thank You :D
This is what happen when Maths class was F*cking Boring :DD
Me & Fazeera take picha lah :D
only the first one :D

Today nothing much happen in school :D
only during PAP , my backbone start to be soooo F*cking paiin !
After school went to Aliff to Makaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan :D
with Ifaa , Aicha , Rawrbeetah & Fateen
best :DD me , 24/7 eat only :D
haha , then went back home .
Reached home told Mom about my backbone .
So rest first then at 6++ off go Bukit Panjang Clinic .
Wah , then place change alot man , i mean not the clinic , at GreenRidge Shopping Center (?)
alot off change man .
ok i dont want talk about my backbone :) but it painful oii !
I should take Bulan advice :D
yeah , must bring my medicine everwhere :)
now , i still not yet pack my NCC things !
hehe , so lazy man :D
just now Bulan never come school :(
She sick oii !
Hey moon , gooo mkn ur ubat wokey !? get well sooon !! &&&& jumpe esok yee :D
esok prelim maah , go study :))
haha , & i get warm hug from u .
ok best :DDDDD
ok , im done here ! nothing much leeh :)
Alsooo , Happy Birthday Rahim :D

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