Then lesson was okok laah , MT always suck big time , really man .
I just dont get it why everytime i step in Malay classroom , i will be Shut down !
see , ok so just now MT got test . I dont really paham the BahagianC -.- coz to sleepy maah :D
Then PAP , great , eat then go garden . Lepak wif the boys ^^
Then at 240 went to MT room for MTworkshop . I find it great :D Not boring at all .
& im not felling half dead also just not :DD plus during the workshop ,
Me , Denna , Fateen & Adeelah keep on laughing & playing stupid passing thing *laugh*
I laugh alot untill Ikram ask me to be quite coz ,
Cikgu Azizah is looking at me o.- & also ,
there dis part when Mr Herman talk , he reallyreally look like Khairul Amir :D
haha , lucky his not mad when i tell him . Relex je die , Baikk :B
So after the workshop , went to Lot1 :D While waiting for the bas , we take alot of picha :D
Mind all my muke tak perlu . So no need to comment :P
& im not felling half dead also just not :DD plus during the workshop ,
Me , Denna , Fateen & Adeelah keep on laughing & playing stupid passing thing *laugh*
I laugh alot untill Ikram ask me to be quite coz ,
Cikgu Azizah is looking at me o.- & also ,
there dis part when Mr Herman talk , he reallyreally look like Khairul Amir :D
haha , lucky his not mad when i tell him . Relex je die , Baikk :B
So after the workshop , went to Lot1 :D While waiting for the bas , we take alot of picha :D
Mind all my muke tak perlu . So no need to comment :P

Aicha , me , Denna , Adeelah:D
Ok , tat all for today :D
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