Saturday, July 18, 2009

I guess i have recover 50% but another half , Neeeeeh !
My throat still giving me problem :(( Haiyooo , when can recover ???
Okey I done wif my Art work ,
Anyhow do ahh :DD Comform kene redo/scold . Like i care like that -.-
DnT i have not start at all . haiyoo , idk how to do ahh :D
But nehmind , i will try finish it by today :)
Yesterday , webcam wif `Rawrbeetah(MakBitah)
Irratating yknow her -.- Fell like killing her ! Haha , buut nooo ! Cannot !
I show her my art work , she also ask me to redo , throw away =.= babi kau .

I also miss my 3 all time fav :D Which is Afiqah , Ifaa & Rigby :DD
Amok , u still my fav :)
Afiqah , I miss u leh , I miss gg to ur house :D
Remember when its 12 or 1 am in the morning , i go ur house . haha .
Funny lahh . Do our DnT homework at ur house .
I still remember man . I guess u dont remember huh !?

HAHA , its ok . I wish one day i can meet all my old friends .
Semue satu-satu case dah sombong ! k takpe :D Let's try :)

Its Sunday by the way :D
& i did not go madrasah :D
Lazyyyy :D
I guess thats all . Byee :D

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