Saturday, July 25, 2009

Now kakak have left Singapore :(
She go to LA !!!!!
exchange work there .
Geraam nyeeeeee ! okok , takpe takpe .
Take care ye , bile pat sane :(
get me something :DD

-PartC's marching
Yesterday Friday :D

Yesterday was great man ! I like . Ncc training start yesterday :DD
ohh yeah && halfway training , the PartD's was there .
Sebok kan !? tawu tak pe ! HAHAHA , no lah , i swear , it was FAKE , do come again when u people free !!! Okey !?!
PartD's NormalA:- Please get into Sec5 . So tat next year u all can come back for
training:D Pleasepleaseplease
Get rank :D I was so kangchong man to march up to Maam Mages ,haha .
Rigby & Ahteacar was making alot of joke alsoo :D
During PT , i report sick coz of my backbone -.-
Fucking irratating man , haiyoo , no point eating all those pills [!!!!!!!!]
ok so , Me , Ierah & Ika sat at studycornor .
Then talktalk wif Moooooooooooooon :D sayang same die tau ^^
Then Maam talktalk . [Malas nak type :D]
Mak pick me up :D also send Rigby home .
Overall training was the beeeeeeeeesssssssssst :DDD
also thx Bulan for the chocolate :D

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