Thursday, July 2, 2009

Alohaa :D Im Baaaaaaack ! okok so
Tmr is Friday and we should have NCC training !
But due to bodoh nye H1N1 , haiyooo , no training seyy .
I miss NCC & the PartDs yknow D:
Can shout here & there yknow ! LOLS
*Macam paham* Tuptup bile senior ask to shout , nnt aku malu plus ketawe sendiri .
paisey oii !
HAHAHA .I miss best friend seeyyy . When can we meet !??
Bile huh ?? July but whennn ?? :/
We got plan but not suree when we meeting each other !
haha , rinduuuu same kau sii :(

Second day of school as for Me :DDD
School was kind of *Okey*
pretty sad actually :'((
butt who cares sak !? -_-
Juust step baik jee , but dalam hati !?
takpayah lahh show all ur nice attitude ! takpayah !
like touch & go is it !?? when u need , u take , when u dont need u just throw !
go find out urself wat it means if u dont get it !

jangan terase ye if u think u are who im taking about :)
Today Razif jatuh at staircase coz Suhaida kick him & bloody her ,
Razif hand hit my stomach . Damn yoou . Sakit bodoh !
Have malay presentation .
Hell yeah , i was soooooo the takot ! HAHA
untill i say alot of wrong words !
& alot of mistake ! This is what happen if im scared :/
Its bulu ayam & not bola ayam -___-
I cant stop laughing about tat , LOLS
After malay class was ended , wait for others .
Plan to hug Ifaah & ended up to Rigby ! Damn , i miss her sial !
Saw her with my shocking face :O
hahaha , like she post at her blog
" Today's entertainment was indeed SHOCKING "
She told me about someone , laugh here laugh there .
Funny lah youu :DDD
& for english , was suppost to meet Miss Roshini after school to collet my
June Holiday Homework , & again , i forget about tat :O
Short team memory maah -_-"
so esok prepare to stayback !? k not sure .
Teman Adiilah to bugis . She want shopping ! Buy seluar &
lenght-iet(or whatever its spells called)
same colour as me :DD
Thx ehk adiilah coz bayarkan my Mrt fare :))
When back home home by train wif Adeelah but in seperate ways .
Reach home early , & lucky no one at home . HAPPPY NYEEEEE ^_^
chat wif Aidil then he tell me something & i tell him something .Really shocking youknow :D & we promised each other ! HAHA !
oh yeahh , our maths teacher is damn old ! She kind of kurang ajar punye cikgu !
siak je aku , but its true okey !
Nampaknye kite nk pass maths pon kene belaja sendiri -.- alamak! parah si cam nii !
ok im done here . want to finish up my eng summery :D
Aicha , get well soooooooooooon .
Kak Amma , Husnina & Bulan , Rindu same korg :DDD

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